Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

May 1, 2024 - Inbox Army Scott Cohen and First Job Culture Expert Michael Halpert

Scott Cohen – VP Strategy and Marketing at InboxArmy – Award Winning Email Marketing Veteran 

If you are always ‘on promotion’ or having a sale or only do promotions
one week of the month, you train your customers to wait. Customers are
much smarter.

Scott Cohen begun life as a copywriter, has worked on both sides of the aisle, and as a brand-side marketer running the email marketing programs at Purple, 1-800 Contacts, and Western Governors University. He has worked with clients ranging from small businesses to enterprise companies across multiple industries. Scott won the 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award from the ANA Email Experience Council for his work during his time at Purple. He’s a sought-after speaker, webinar, and podcast guest, having spoken at events like the Email Insider Summit, Email Evolution Conference, Email Innovations Summit, eTail West, and more.

Michael Halpert – Author of Cubicle To Corner Office: The Ultimate Survival Guide To Your First Job!  

Your manager is there to help guide you and set you up for success.
It is important that you collaborate on setting effective goals that are
specific and reachable. It’s important that you have really good weekly
interaction with your manager and give clear status updates. 

Michael Halpert has 20 years of experience navigating the tech and media sectors. Mike has a track record that speaks for itself. His leadership roles span both industry giants like Google and Walmart E-Commerce, and dynamic hyper-growth startups. Yet, where Mike truly excels is in fostering emerging talent. As a Product Management executive, he’s led sizable teams and consistently prioritized the mentorship of junior members. His dedication to coaching has equipped countless individuals with the skills and confidence to climb the corporate ranks. Mike’s strategic insights and consulting services have been invaluable to a diverse set of Fortune 500 clients, from investment banks to media companies and telecom providers. His educational foundation includes an MBA from USC Marshall and a bachelor’s degree from NYU. In Mike’s career, it’s not just about reaching the top; it’s about guiding others to do the same. In business, there is protocol and well documented procedures, and then there are the blanks in the office you may be expected to fill-in to get to the next step in your career. That’s where “Cubicle to Corner Office.” a go-to guide penned by Mike Halpert, comes in. Mike is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience in navigating the tech and media sectors. The book delves into the intricacies of modern corporate culture and business etiquette, providing a comprehensive roadmap for individuals embarking on their career journey.

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